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"How to set BOUNDARIES using

the DEARMAN method"

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Heartfelt Testimonials from Happier Couples

Martin and Jeanne, 46 and

47 years old, Business Owner and Real Estate Agent

"As a couple, we have grown tremendously. We respect each other's needs, fully accept one another as we are, and have learned to embrace each other's boundaries. This journey has brought us closer and strengthened our relationship."

Steven and Lia, 38 and 34

years old, Dentist and Sales Director

"We have relearned to communicate constructively because we know and respect each other's boundaries, as we have learned to express them. Now, we handle our conflicts with greater calm and mutual respect."

Robert and Charlie, 44 and

46 years old, Lawyer and Architect

"As someone who is quite impulsive and quick-tempered, the DEARMAN method has become like a magic formula for us. It allows us to manage conflicts and difficult conversations without clashing."

Seen in

the media

About the author, Myriam Bidaud Ksikes

Certified Psycho-clinician, Couple Therapist and Coach since 2009

Thanks to an effective and original methodology that combines Gestalt therapy with coaching, attachment theory, and trauma work, she helps couples dare to pursue truly fulfilling relationships through online coaching and psychotherapy programs in Dubai and Worldwide Online.

As a psychotherapist holding the European Certificate of Psychotherapy and trained at the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon I (DU in Psychotherapy), she specializes in couples and relationships.

As a dedicated professional, Myriam combines attentive listening, kindness, and firmness.

Click here to learn more.

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